The brain controls and coordinates the body and all bodily functions. It does this by sending messages to all parts of the body via Spinal nerves. If there is interference to the transmission of this information then the body will not function to its full capability. Interference often occurs when there is irritation to the spinal nerve through vertebral dysfunction and dysfunction to the muscles around the vertebra. Chiroporactic concerns itself with the removal of nerve interference by correcting the verterbral dysfunction. We do this by spinal adjustments and muscle release techniques where necessary.
Chiropractic has been shown to help with neck , low back and spinal pain and restriction. It can help with headaches, migraines, Sciatica and Disc problems. Most muscular and joint issues can be helped with treatment. This clinic also treats conditions such as shouder and hip issues, bursitis and tendonitis
Yes. Chiropractic is covered by all major health funds if you have extras cover. At this clinic you are able to process you claim electronically so you only pay the Gap. You may also be able to claim via medicare if you have chronic health conditions and your GP refers you through an "Enhanced Primary Care for allied health" referral form.
Initial consultation/
Examination/treatment $90.00
Regular consultation/ treatment $65.00
Extended consultation (1Hour)
includes Massage and adjustments $100.00
If you have extras cover through a health fund then you will only need yo pay the gap after making a claim electronically through our healthpoint.
On your initial visit you can expect to be greeted by me , Anthony Memmolo, The chiropractor. I will sit down with you and discuss your complaint and then take a detailed history. After this consultation there will be a thorough examination to ascertain the cause of your condition and possible provisional diagnosis. After the examination we will discuss what treatment you may need. If there are no contraindications to treatment then you will also have your inital treatment. This will usually involve soft tissue and muscle release techniques and may also involve adjustments.